728x90 728x90 SMALL 분류 전체보기145 Chapter 4: Cultivating Mindfulness in Daily Life (4장: 일상에서 마음챙김 기르기) Chapter 4: Cultivating Mindfulness in Daily Life Introduction: Mindfulness is not limited to formal meditation practice; it can be seamlessly integrated into our daily lives. In this chapter, we will explore how to infuse mindfulness into our everyday activities, enabling us to live more fully, with heightened awareness and presence. By cultivating mindfulness in daily life, we can experience a .. 2023. 6. 15. Chapter 3: Getting Started with Mindfulness (3장: 마음챙김 시작하기) Chapter 3: Getting Started with Mindfulness Introduction: Now that we have explored the concept of mindfulness and its scientific underpinnings, it's time to embark on our own personal journey of mindfulness practice. In this chapter, we will delve into the practical aspects of getting started with mindfulness. We will explore the foundational elements, create a conducive environment for practic.. 2023. 6. 14. Chapter 2: The Science Behind Mindfulness (2장: 마음챙김의 과학적 근거) Chapter 2: The Science Behind Mindfulness Introduction: While mindfulness has its roots in ancient traditions, its widespread adoption in modern society has sparked scientific curiosity. In this chapter, we will explore the fascinating field of neuroscientific research that has unraveled the underlying mechanisms and effects of mindfulness on the brain and body. By understanding the science behi.. 2023. 6. 14. Chapter 1: Introduction to Mindfulness (1장: 마음챙김에 대한 소개) Chapter 1: Introduction to Mindfulness Introduction: In today's fast-paced and chaotic world, finding inner peace and cultivating a sense of well-being has become a universal desire. One practice that has gained significant attention and popularity in recent years is mindfulness. In this chapter, we will embark on a journey to understand what mindfulness is, its origins, and the numerous benefit.. 2023. 6. 13. Unlocking the Power of Mindfulness: Journey to Inner Peace and Well-being (마음챙김의 힘 활용하기: 내면의 평화와 웰빙을 향한 여정) Unlocking the Power of Mindfulness: Journey to Inner Peace and Well-being Chapter 1: Introduction to Mindfulness What is mindfulness? Brief history and origins of mindfulness Benefits of practicing mindfulness How mindfulness can improve mental and physical well-being Chapter 2: The Science Behind Mindfulness Exploring the neuroscience of mindfulness Understanding the impact of mindfulness on th.. 2023. 6. 13. ISTP에게 다가가기 좋은 플러팅은? ISTP에게 다가가기 좋은 플러팅은? -좋은 플러팅 방법- 1. 되도록 함께 참여할 수 있는 활동을 늘린다 2. 물리적인 거리를 좁혀서 존재감을 드러낸다 3. 대화를 할때 말과 함께 바디랭귀지를 충분히 활용한다 4. 집착하지 않고 여유있는 태도를 보인다 5. 호감을 직접적으로 표현한다 6. 자신의 일에 집중하고 좋은 성과를 보인다 -좋지 않은 플러팅 방법- 1. 호감을 나타내려고 이유없이 미소짓는다 2. 문자나 전화를 자주 한다 3. 상대에게 무조건 맞추려 한다 4. 자신의 일정에 무리가 될 정도로 열성적인 모습을 보인다 5. 은근히 자신에게 호감이 있는지 떠보려 한다 6. 이유가 분명하지 않은 호의를 베푼다 2023. 6. 11. 이전 1 ··· 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ··· 25 다음 728x90 728x90 LIST